Mortgage Terminology

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Below is a list of terms that are commonly used when working with mortgages. Amenity  A feature of the home or property that serves as a benefit to the buyer but that is not necessary to its use; may be natural (like location, woods, water) or man-made (like a swimming pool or garden). Amortization Repayment… Read more »

Buyer Tips

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Buyer Tips Buying a residence can be a stressful experience. You will experience a roller coaster of emotions while finding the right place, securing the loan, and finally moving in. For most of us, the first time home purchase is the largest investment we’ve ever considered. The emotions of purchasing something so expensive and personal… Read more »


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The bottom line is that buying real estate in Canada is very easy. From a residency point of view, if you plan to stay in Canada for 6 months or less each year, the government considers you a non-resident, which means that you can still open a bank account and buy property, etc. If you… Read more »